Poor Digestion is Becoming a Major Problem
Released on = December 8, 2005, 2:12 pm
Press Release Author = Otec Pty Limited
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = An ever increasing number of people have allowed the fast pace of life to take precedence over their health. Indegestion is rampant and is a warning of the development of more serious health issues.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/12/2005
Sydney, Australia. 12/12/2005
Poor Digestion is Becoming a Major Health Problem
Poor digestion is affecting an ever increasing number of people that have allowed the fast pace of life to take precedence over their health. Indigestion is rampant and is a warning of the development of more serious health issues. The sale of off the shelf cures for this problem is soaring and that is great news for the makers and re-sellers of these products: Many retail at $8 to $9 and contain ingredients valued at no more than a few cents. This makes indigestion a goose that lays 24 carat golden eggs for all involved in the industry. It remains a fact of life that these cures do attack the symptoms, but not the cause.
The surprising thing about digestion problems is that our grandmothers used a natural product to control this and this method has never been bettered because it actually attacks the cause rather than the symptoms. Many people who try this remedy feel the benefits from day one. For others it takes two to three days to kick in but always works. So why was it forgotten over the course of time? Probably because we became wealthier and could afford to pay drug store prices for what we thought was a good product. Possibly because we were hoodwinked by slick marketing techniques or, maybe, because the trend of the past 30 years that rebelled against anything previous generations held dear.
The questions that need to be answered are: - Why is indigestion rampant. - Is indigestion a warning of other problems. - What affect does digestive problems have on a hiatus hernia. - Does good digestion play a role in the prevention of colon cancer. - Is there a simple low cost solution to digestive problems.
The answers to these points can be found in an article at: http://www.recipesmania.com/articledigestion.html This is just one of a series of health and food articles being published by David McCarthy that aim at cutting the myths that surround, and introducing common sense aimed at lowering costs of such things as weight-loss and health problems connected to eating.
Contact David McCarthy for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (612) 4739 4400 Email: otec@iprimus.com.au Other helpful information regarding the can be found at: http://www.recipesmania.com/articledigestion.html
For More Information Contact:
David McCarthy otec@iprimus.com.au http://www.recipesmania.com/
Web Site = http://www.recipesmania.com/
Contact Details = David McCarthy
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